We have slowly become a one-person band, a lone meditator, a single Tribe. We may be drawn to it because we have had limited options. 

We need to rewrite this story.

if you want to learn meditation, join and learn from a community of meditators.

If you play guitar, join a band. If you don’t play guitar, search for a community group learning to play guitar.

If you like to act, join a community theatre. If you don’t like to act but enjoy theatre, volunteer to take on a “backstage” operations role. 

To all my Brazilian jiu-jitsu brothers and sisters, eschew the impulse to learn from YouTube, a DVD, or Instagram, go to class often, and Train More.

Whatever your passion or interest, your health and wellness depend on learning with your tribe. Let your tribe proudly say,  “We just got one more member!” 

Don’t let “What will they think” get in the way. 

They are thinking the same thing.

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